An overview of FCAPS: What it is and how it works?

05 Oct 2021

FCAPS is a model that determines a framework for proactive network management. It was created by International Organization for Standardisation (ISO) over 30 years ago, to help Network Operators and Service Providers easily understand the way network management and monitoring systems work and perform. Furthermore, FCAPS assists network professionals when evaluating NMS tools capacities and functions.

What does FCAPS stand for?


FCAPS is an acronym for:

Fault  Management

Configuration Management

Accounting Management

Performance Management

Security Management

F: Fault Management

Fault Management consists of detecting problems (faults) in the network. It is not a simple process; it is a set of practices like fault detection, isolation, correlation, and resolution. The idea is to avoid long outages, network downtime and even worst case scenarios.

Once network operators detect the alarm, a notification system comes into play in order to report the problem to a team in charge of resolution. Subsequent analysis is fundamental to implement improvements and identify behaviours, trends, correlations, etc.

C: Configuration Management

To ensure the proper functioning of a network it is of utmost importance to have its devices properly configured. This is a continuous process, as networks grow and evolve.

Network configuration management requires one to accurately execute, track and store network devices´ configuration changes, circuits and/or path provisioning, as well as ensure a seamless expansion.

 A: Accounting Management

Also known as billing management. Is a FCAPS level that brings you network usage data and parameters, as well as a comprehensive network inventory.

P: Performance Management

This level provides real-time and historical network performance information, as well as helping network operators ensure that the network is running as expected.

The network performance aims to guarantee efficient network functioning by means of monitoring several parameters such as a circuit performance, through input and output, percentage utilization, error seconds… This way, you are provided with statistics data that can be used to improve your fault management processes, network performance and behaviour, as well as meet SLA requirements.

S: Security Management

Security management is a complex level aiming to protect the network against cybersecurity threats and attacks. This involves practices such as network assets and consumption control, access management and unauthorised access monitoring, log activity control, end-point protection, user permissions management, etc.

In brief, FCAPS has become a very popular and complete framework for guiding network operators worldwide. FCAPS brings them knowledge to select their suitable NMS to effectively handle and monitor the network.

Our solution includes features for all FCAPS levels (fault, configuration, accounting, performance, and security). Something that makes our solution unique from the other tools available on the market.

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