
Digital Substation Management and Monitoring

Basic understanding of IEC 61850

IEC 61850 is an international standard that defines communication protocols to provide communication between different equipment located in a...

10 mins

< 30 Apr 2021 />


SGRwin participates in a webinar organised by…

In 2018, CIC has associated to RailGrup organisation. Railgrup is a Spanish cluster originated in 2002 with over 100 members worldwide....

< 23 Oct 2020 />

Network Security and Downtime Prevention

Network downtime, why you should be concern…

There are a lot of downtimes and outages worldwide on a daily basis. However, many organisations don’t realise about network downtime’s damages and problems,...

7 mins

< 02 Oct 2020 />

Mission Critical Communications

Protecting power systems

Protection systems are a critical part of network management, impacting directly on all areas of Utilities’ business such as:...

3 mins

< 02 Sep 2020 />

Industry Insights and Trends


The transition from Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM) to Internet Protocol (IP) is more than just a technological improvement; it is...

3 mins

< 08 Jul 2020 />

Monitoring and Management Solutions

The ultimate guide to selecting the best…

If you are reading this post blog, you’re probably looking for a network management software or replacing the existing...

3 mins

< 07 Jul 2020 />


SGRwin present at Utility Telecoms 2020!

The 3rd edition of Utility Telecoms 2020 has been held the past month in Amsterdam between 27-29th February. SGRwin has participated as...

< 23 Mar 2020 />


TOP 10 Benefits of Network Performance Management

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, network performance management and monitoring have become vital for businesses of all sizes....

4 mins

< 30 Sep 2019 />


SGRwin team to exhibit at UtiliNet Europe…

CIC will be attending as an exhibitor the 4th annual edition of UtiliNet Europe, event to be held in Brussels,...

< 25 Sep 2019 />

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